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Academic visit by Prof. Zhang Fujun from Beijing Jiaotong University

      In the afternoon of Nov. 5, Prof. Zhang Fujun from Beijing Jiaotong University was invited by Prof. Huang Hui from School of Materials to visit our university and gave a lecture entitled "Progress of organic photovoltaic and multiplying organic photodetection research" in the academic garden 2-318. The participants had a lively discussion with Prof. Zhang.


      Prof. Fujun Zhang has been engaged in the research of inorganic and organic electroluminescent devices, organic photovoltaic devices and organic photodetectors, especially he started the research of organic photovoltaic in ternary system earlier and reported the multiplicative narrow response organic photodetector for the first time in the international.


      Prof. Fujun Zhang has been engaged in the research of inorganic and organic electroluminescent devices, organic photovoltaic devices and organic photodetectors, especially he started the research of organic photovoltaic in ternary system earlier and reported the multiplicative narrow response organic photodetector for the first time in the international.