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Congratulations to group’s photoelectric synapse research for receiving "2021 Chinese Scientists with Cell Press Best Paper Award" price

In 2021, 914 research papers whose first facility are Chinese institutions have been published in journals under Cell Press. Nominated by journal editors, independently reviewed by a third-party expert committee, and comprehensively weighing criteria such as the number of downloads, citations, and breakthroughs in the field, Cell Press selected the fields of life sciences, physical sciences, medicine, and interdisciplinary subjects. Field "Cell Press 2021 China Annual Papers" has a total of 35 papers (5 papers in the medical field and 10 papers in each of the other three fields). In addition, 20 papers (5 papers in each field) were selected as "Most Popular Papers in China by Cell Press in 2021" after voting by netizens.

The Self-powered infrared organic flexible optoelectronic synapse published by the research group in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science (Chen, H.; Lv, L.; Wei, Y.; Liu. T.; Wang, S.; Shi, Q.; Huang, H.*. Self-powered Artificial Synaptic Flexible Device for Near-infrared Light Detection, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2021, 2, 100507) won the 2021 China Annual Paper of Cell Press. Congratulation to all the authors of this paper.
